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Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

My Friends At Work

Two years experience of managing books and services at my work place. Soon following the losses of my beloved ones, first my grandpa and then my dad, now i only live with my mom and one sister. It has been nearly 3 years since i work at school as a librarian. My work place is fun and is quite wellknown in the city of Bandung.
It takes around 15 minutes for me to get to the school. And as usual, when i get there, i take off my bags full with goods such as my laptop and printer, then i put them next to my work desk. Then soon after that, i think and of all stupid stuffs and make fun of my friends within my heart and hey... they angry!! Hahahah....
Then i look for anything i can do, i look here and there to search for anything that i haven`t finished in earlier days. And Wallahhh, some books are scattered on the floor, foods cover are everywhere, some aqua cans are on the desk for students... And Wooow, dusts and soils are making dirts on the floor.... Fyuwhhhh, i look for a broom and begin cleaning them...
In my work place i have a principal that seems to fall in love with my work results. He said that he is very satisfy with my work. And soon more and more works are coming since then. The name of my superior is Mr. Mulyana. one other superior that i have is an indo mexican person named Mr. Leonardo. He has a face of Latinos ancestry but of sundanese origin. Everyone is nice to me, but that i am a little different from others,,,,,
My other friend which is an office boy named Pak Dede is from a town called cimahi. Is not a very wealthy person. Having problems with financial capacities, he told me that he hardly occupy his daily requirements. Facing trouble with transportation, that he often late when arriving at school. The principal misjudged him as working at his own grandpa`s office as he come and go as he please. He is from family with honest culture, his father teach him not to even ask for an offer when his son is in an occasion, he`d rather his son to pick some foods from waste disposal than to take foods dishonestly.
Pak dede and his father are of high dignity personalities. The teaching that this family hold is of islamic background. His father is skillful of conducting magical things for he is the descent of a known gurus of islam in the region of Cimahi. His father said that he can`t even get sick even if he smokes one full package of cigars (Bapa mah rek udud 2 bos sapoe oge moal struk Jang!!!) and also said that even if he and his family consume foods from disposals there is no possibilities for them to be sick ... A hahahahah. But once Pak Dede said that his father was ill badly...
One other friend that i have named Mr. Hasan is also an office boy. This man is an old man and is a lier. He tells Mr. Dede that he has already paid installments for his loans to me. he owes me some bucks,- This man barks if i ask for his money loans, and act if he forgets this... It is very cute when these people gather around with me, i often make fun of si babeh,,, beh, crettttt... (itu kata saya sama dia)
The others are fun people... but sometimes it makes me boring to realize that all monies that i have are scattered on these fuckers.. Well nothing i can do, these mens are poor, requiring more monies to live...

Ahahaha (just for fun, don`t take it seriously Friends)

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Dijual mobil honda accord tahun 1985 kondisi super maknyusss
1600 cc warna hijau muda. pelat Bandung
km 322857. Bahan Bakar premium.
Pajak Jalan. Harga 23.500.000 nego

kalo mau lihat langsung mobilnya silakan datang ke kampus upi, sehari-hari mobil ada di kampus upi. lalu hubungi saya di SMP Labschool upi, di bagian tata usaha. Hubungi saya (Agung) di no 085721505484

Kalau mau nego langsung, silakan datang ke Perumahan Pasir Kemiri Blok B No 28. Cigugur Girang Kec Parongpong Kab. Bandung Barat.


Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Whereever I Go, Money Follows

It doesn`t matter anything i do, it doesn`t matter whereever i go, it`s not a problem to whom i talk to

Businesses, monies, and etc can be obtained very easily

For me getting some monies, is as easy as digging a shit hole, means i can do it whenever it is possible

Look at my ATM, i can see the red and blue colors of the paper cash...

But what will i use this money for if i couldn`t make my self happy

I dream of buying a car, well its just an old fashioned car, a corona 1975 hehehe, its the only car i can afford

Well, take a look at this car, this is fairly old, but doesn`t matter, this still has a use for me,  i can go anywhere i want with this. and Fuck, i can have fun with a whore inside. God please provide me with a naughty girl and perhaps the inside will all be wet with the fluid of love.
And for you my friends, i`ve been 29 years old today, but i still can`t see a possibility of finding a life mate. Because i don`t look good, but even though i don`t look excellent all pleasure is universal to all mankind, meaning that i want to try to fuck and to be fucked.
Well, its been thirty past one PM here, i must continue working as often i do. feeling bored and lonely is usual, i`ve been 30 and is there any chance of a good life in the future. I can`t see the use of all i have if there is nothing i can do for fun.

So please help me to have some fun

It is nice to share my feeling with friends like you. thanx


Sekarang jam 13.00 WIB. Cape sekali

Baru selesai mencap Buku-Buku baru, masih ada beberapa dus lagi. Buku nya bagus-bagus deh.

I have just finished stamping some new books, i feel tired. The books are all magnificant..

Buku nya bermacam-macam, ada buku text juga ada buku hiburan, asikk dehh

The books are of different themes, some are text books and some are entertainment books. it is fun

Lumayan capek, tapi kerjaannya gak begitu berat sih, gw kerja dengan otak dan sedikit fisik

Kind of tiring but cool, the work is not that difficult, i work using my brain and less physical activity

Sudah banyak uang, lumayan, sekarang yg gw pikirin pengen ngesex... (save sex of course)

I have quite much of money, but for now what i think is how to have a good, cool, sexual experience

tetapi tentunya setelah menikah, hehehehe

But surely after i get married, hehehehe

Tema blog saya tidak menentu, tapi biarlah yang penting asikkk

The theme of my blog is far from certain, but its okay, it just has to be cool...

Hi how are you? i`m at work at this moment..

Hi, how are you? I am working again nich ...
Add my ym okay, its agung.pk82 @

My advice is based on life experience, to be able to have sustenance-studded as the stars in the sky:

  1. Childhood learn English, get used to the child learn English and start to recognize the objects around her.
  2. Give inspiration to children that learning English will simplify their affairs when you grow up, for example, could be an astronaut, can chat with them Caucasian, able to work abroad,
  3. Teach your child to school diligently and give rewards for good academic achievement, if for the kids toy car anyway so rich it is ok
  4. Give children a motivation for learning evaluation tests at the time, they can get a good reply value
  5. In accordance with my memories, give bright children who learn to light, let them be inspired to always read books in spare time
  6. Give the child a gift watches, so they are always on time in the move
  7. Do not cover your child for the couple, because periods of high school who is the most beautiful, except in the high school writers are very HASEUM (SOAR)
  8. Give your child cool motorcycle reply that they may feel more loved by his parents
  9. Give your children books to read and if you can subscribe to the newspaper that there are young children forum
  10. Tell your child to invite his friends to play to the house, both for gegelehean, gogoleran, peg-pasakan, or to just spend time together to be more familiar
  11. Send your child to attend courses or english tutoring 
  12. Send your child to college
     Well that was the struggle of a responsible parent, your child will surely be a success

Hi, apa kabar??? saya lagi kerja nich...

Add my ym okay, its

Saran saya berdasarkan pengalaman hidup, untuk dapat memiliki rezeki yang bertabur seperti bintang-bintang di angkasa :

  1. Sedari kecil belajarlah bahasa Inggris, biasakan anak belajar bahasa Inggris dan mulailah dengan mengenali benda-benda di sekitar nya.
  2. Beri inspirasi untuk anak bahwa mempelajari bahasa Inggris akan mempermudah segala urusan mereka di saat besar nanti, misalnya bisa jadi astronot, bisa ngobrol sama orang bule, bisa kerja di luar negeri,
  3. Ajarkan agar anak rajin sekolah dan beri reward agar prestasi belajarnya bagus, kalau untuk anak-anak sih mobil-mobilan kaya gitu sudah ok
  4. Beri anak motivasi agar pada waktu tes evaluasi belajar, mereka bisa mendapat nilai yg bagus
  5. Sesuai dengan kenangan saya, beri anak lampu belajar yg terang, biar mereka terinspirasi untuk selalu membaca buku dalam waktu-waktu luang
  6. Beri anak hadiah jam tangan, supaya mereka selalu tepat waktu dalam beraktivitas
  7. Jangan halangi anak-anda untuk pacaran, karena masa-masa smp dan sma adalah masa yg terindah, kecuali masa SMA penulis yang sangat HASEUM..
  8. Beri anak anda motor gede yg keren supaya mereka merasa lebih disayangi oleh orang tuanya
  9. Beri anak anda buku-buku bacaan dan kalau bisa berlangganan surat kabar yang ada forum anak mudanya
  10. Suruh anak anda mengajak teman-teman nya untuk main ke rumah, baik untuk gegelehean, gogoleran, pasak-pasakan, atau untuk sekedar menghabiskan waktu bersama supaya lebih akrab
  11. Kirim anak anda untuk mengikuti kursus atau les bahasa inggris
  12. Kuliahkan anak anda
  13. Nah itu lah perjuangan orang tua yang bertanggung jawab, pasti anak anda akan menjadi orang sukses
Kalo anak anda tidak sukses, itu berarti mereka BEDEGONG alias harus dihajar karena tidak mau menghargai usaha orang tua dalam menyekolahkannya. Hehehehehehehe...... Kick his/her butt man!!! 
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